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About this website

Keep up to date with the challenging and innovative techniques in Industry. This site is intended to provide information, software and tools for engineers working on high performance and high reliability design applications in mechanical engineering.

This website was intended to support the case studies described in a course book that deals with design procedures to establish and optimize system performance and reliability, fatigue strength and tribological phenomena.

User friendly PC calculators of the formulae derived in the course book and applied in case studies are made available on this site in order to save much time in determining the outcomes and selection of specific parameters. The formulae used in the calculators are also available in Mathcad files. With these files the designer may in a user friendly way adapt or extend calculations for specific applications.

The book has been adopted at: Delft University, UTwente, Fontys, Windesheim, KULeuven, UGent (BE), NTNU Norway, Hamstad University, Luleå University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Tallinn University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), University of central Lancashire, Tsinghua University (China) and Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Feel free to contact the author for the significantly discounted student prices. The larger part of the books finds their way to industry. The Author of the book really acknowledges the professors and professionals for stimulating in writing the new extended edition now available.

The Author, Dr.ir. Anton van Beek is group manager at Delft University, Tribology research group from 1995, Chairman of the Dutch Tribology Society from 1999, Vice President Dutch Society of Precision Engineering from 2007-2009. He has served as a consultant to many companies in design cases, trouble shooting etc.
