In properly designed hydraulic cylinders the contact
between piston and bore is avoided by wear rings sometimes
called guide rings. The load at which metallic contact
occurs depends on the stiffness of the wear rings and the
deformation to contact. The deformation to contact depends
on the groove and ring dimensions according
rclearance = dgroove/2
+ wring - Dpiston/2. Deterministic
approach: The worst case combination of dimensions at
which metallic contact at design load can be expected is a
safe method, but results in a nominal large radial clearance
required. Since a small nominal value of the radial
clearance is profitable a probabilistic approach is assumed.
Probabilistic approach: With all dimensions assumed
to be normally distributed within the
µ±3σ tolerance interval, the nominal radial clearance
can be based on a probability of contact less than for
instance 1%.